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如何像英语母语者一样使用模糊用语 Using Vague

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    Hi, I'm Johan and welcome to Oxford Online English!

    In this lesson, you can learn something that will help you to sound more like a native speaker when you talk.

    嗨,我是 Johan,欢迎来到牛津在线英语!


    What is this thing? It's vague language.


    What does vague mean? Vague means something that is not clear or detailed.


    For example, if you ask me what I did yesterday, and I reply, "Just some stuff at home," that is a vague answer. I'm not giving you any details.


    Why does this matter? Vague language is both common and important in natural English.


    It has many different uses, which you can learn about in this video.

    Using vague language will make your English sound more natural and closer to native English.



    First, let's look at the most important use of vague language.

    Part one: avoiding unnecessary detail.


    In some situations, vagueness is bad.

    For example, if you have a contract or a legal document, it shouldn't be vague!



    In general, we prefer to avoid vagueness in writing. However, speaking is often the opposite.


    Imagine you ask your friend, "What are you doing tomorrow?" Look at two possible answers.


    One: "First, I'm going into the city centre. I need to buy a shirt and some toothpaste, then at 10:30 I'm meeting William Bukowski for coffee at the café in Gloucester Square."

    回答一:“首先,我要去市中心。我要买一件衬衫和牙膏,然后10:30的时候我约了 William Bukowski 在 Gloucester 广场的咖啡厅喝咖啡。”

    "I'm going into town to buy some stuff, then I'm meeting someone for a coffee." Which answer sounds more natural?


    The second one, right? Can you explain why it sounds better?


    In speaking, being too detailed can sound very formal and unnatural. It also wastes time, if I ask you a simple question like, "What are you doing tomorrow," of course I don't want to know every detail: where you're going, what time, who with, and so on.


    So what language can you use here? The words "thing" and "stuff" are very useful.

    那么在这里可以用什么样的措辞呢?"thing" 和 "stuff" 这两个词非常好用。

    So the word "thing" is very useful. You can use "thing" or "things" to refer to an object or objects.

    "thing" 这个单词很有用。你可以用 "thing" 或 "things" 指代物体。

    For example: "Give me that thing to clean the window." Or "Don't forget to take your things with you."


    You can also use "stuff" in a similar way. Remember that "stuff" is uncountable.

    也可以用相似的方式使用 "stuff"。记住,"stuff" 是不可数的。

    For example: "We're only going for two days, so we don't need much stuff." Or "Every time I move apartments, I throw away loads of stuff."


    Both words "thing" and "stuff" can also be used to talk about things you have to do. For example: "I have to go to that thing tonight."

    "thing" 和 "stuff" 这两个词还都可以用于谈论你必须做的事情。举个例子:“我今天晚上要去参加那个活动。”

    Or "I have a lot of stuff to do next week." You often use vague language when talking about numbers.


    When talking about numbers or quantities, you can avoid unnecessary detail by using expressions like "loads of", "lots of", "a few", "a couple", etc. For example: "They sent me 34 emails yesterday."

    讲到数字或数量时,你可以通过使用 "loads of","lots of","a few","a couple" 等短语避免不必要的细节。举个例子:“他们昨天给我发了34封电子邮件。”

    Or "They sent me loads of emails yesterday." "I saw six of my old school friends last night."


    Or "I saw a few of my old school friends last night." "I have to finish three more things, then we can go."


    Or "I have to finish a couple more things, and then we can go."

    In all of these cases, it's more natural to avoid giving the exact number unless the number is somehow important.



    Another way to use vague language is when shortening a list.

    Imagine your friend came back from vacation, and you ask your friend, "What did you do?"



    And your friend says: "We went swimming in the sea, sunbathed on the beach, read books, ate in restaurants, took a surfing lesson, visited different villages, slept a lot, went for a bike ride and spent one day relaxing."

    That doesn't sound good, right?



    It sounds quite robotic, no? In informal speech, we usually shorten long lists by using a phrase on the end like: ". . . and that kind of thing", ". . . and things like that", ". . . and so on", ". . . or something like that".

    听起来太机械了,是不是?在非正式讲话中,我们通常会在句末加上下面这样的短语来缩短很长一串内容:"...and that kind of thing","...and things like that","...and so on","...or something like that" (等等;诸如此类)。

    Your friend might say: "We went to the beach, did some sightseeing and things like that." Sounds more natural.


    It's almost more polite in a way. When you say something like this, giving some details but not every detail.


    This shows that you are engaged in the conversation, but it also shows that you understand the person you're talking to probably doesn't want to hear every single detail.

    Finally, it allows the other person to ask for more details if they're actually interested.



    Instead of throwing information at someone, you're letting the other person choose where to take the conversation.

    Let's look at some more examples of this: "They serve curries, kebabs, grilled chicken and that kind of thing."



    "He told me about his new job, how his kids are doing, and so on." "We could go see a film, or go for a walk or something like that."



    In all of these cases, we could continue the list, but we don't need to.

    Using vague language to avoid unnecessary detail is a very common and important use, but vague language also has other uses.



    Let's take a look. Part two: using vague language to be indirect.


    Imagine your friend comes to your home, you notice your friend looks cold, so you ask, "

    Shall I turn on the heater?" Compare two answers: "Yes, please, it's cold in here."



    Or "Yes, please, it's kind of cold in here." What's the difference?


    The first answer sounds very direct, which could be quite impolite, sounds a bit like a criticism.

    By using the phrase "kind of", the second answer is vaguer and therefore more indirect.


    用了 "kind of" 这个短语之后,第二个回答意义变得模糊了些,因此变得更委婉了。

    This makes it softer and more polite. You can use the phrase "kind of" or "sort of" in this way.

    使回答的语气更柔和,更有礼貌。可以按这种方式使用短语 "kind of" 或 "sort of"。

    For example: "Can I have some milk? The food's kind of spicy."


    Saying "The food is spicy" sounds very direct, and could sound rude. "He sort of annoys me sometimes."


    Of course this is a criticism of someone, but using "sort of" makes it softer. "I kind of just want to stay in tonight."

    当然了,这是对别人的批评,但是使用 "sort of" 让语气变得柔和了些。


    Saying "I want to stay in tonight" sounds very direct.

    Adding "kind of" and "just" as well makes it sound softer.


    加上 "kind of" 和 "just" 让它听起来更柔和了。

    You might want to use this with times.

    For example, you can use the word "about" or "around" when arranging to meet someone, especially if it's just a casual meeting.


    比如你在安排与某人见面时,尤其是比较随便的那种会面,可以用上 "about" 或 "around"。

    For example: "Let's meet at four." More direct, could sound more like an order.


    "Let's meet at about four." More indirect, sounds more like a suggestion.


    "Can you get here at ten?", more direct. "Can you get here around ten?", more indirect.


    Of course, you don't always want to use vague language.

    If your friend needs to be here by ten o' clock at the latest, then you shouldn't say "Can you get there around ten?"


    But in other cases, using vague language will make you sound more indirect, friendly and generally more polite. Part three: using vague language when you've forgotten a word or a name.



    Many English learners complain that they can't remember vocabulary.

    Well, I have good news: you don't always need to!



    No native speaker knows every word in English, and native speakers also forget words all the time.

    So what can you do if you can't remember the word for something?



    Vague language can be your friend! Take a look: "What does this thingy do?"


    "Well, you can use this little whatsit to take out your SIM card." Or "I found this little metal thingamajig in my desk drawer.

    “你可以用这个小玩意儿把你的 SIM 卡拿出来。”或者“我在我桌子抽屉里发现了这个小的金属物件。

    I've no idea where it came from." Words like "thingy" or "whatsit" or "thingamajig", these are not normally used in written English.

    我不知道它是从哪儿来的。”"thingy","whatsit","thingamajig" 这样的词通常不会用在英语书面语中。

    But you can use them whenever you're speaking if you don't know what something is called. You can also do this with people if you've forgotten someone's name.



    For example: "I've got a meeting with whatsisface from the ad company tomorrow."

    Or "He's moving in with whatsername, you know, that girl he met at his friend's wedding."



    "Whatsisface" is a word made from the question "What is his face," which makes no sense, and it's not really very clear where it comes from.

    "Whatsername" is easier to understand: it's made up from the question "What is her name."

    "whatsisface" (那谁),是从 "What is his face" 演化而来的一个单词,没有什么意思,我也不太清楚这个词是从哪儿来的。

    "whatsername" 更容易理解,它是由 "What is her name" 这个问题组成的单词。

    You can change the words to talk about men or women: "whatsisface"/"whatserface", "whatsisname"/"whatsername". Again, these words cannot be used in written English!



    They are also very informal, so you really shouldn't use them unless you really know the person you're talking to well.

    You should also never use these words directly to someone's face.



    You can't say: "Hey, whatsisface! Good to see you, but I've forgotten your name."


    That doesn't sound good at all! Part four: using vague language to be rude.


    Before, we saw how you can use vague language to sound more indirect or polite. Sometimes, you can also use vague language to show that you don't want to talk to someone.


    For example, if you ask someone, "What did you do at the weekend," and the person answers by saying, "Stuff," this sounds rude. This is like saying, "I don't want to tell you."


    Another example, if you ask your friend, "What do you want to do tomorrow," and your friend says, "Whatever," this also could sound quite rude. It's like saying, "I don't care what we do."



    Generally, using vague language in a very short answer—one or two words—can sound rude.

    It can sound like you don't want to talk to someone.



    So, use vague language when you speak, but remember that how you use it is important.

    OK, that's the end of the lesson.



    I hope you learned some new stuff about. . . whatchamacallit. . . vague language. And you can see some more of our free English lessons and other stuff like that on our website: www. oxfordonlineenglish. com.


    更多免费英语课程及其他类似内容请登陆我们的网站 www. oxfordonlineenglish. com。

    Thanks for watching, and see you next time!

